
Friday, July 29, 2011

Introduction to MKKit

This blog is to announce the release of the MKKit Framework. MKKit is a framework that I use to develop apps. I have decided to make MKKit an open source project and release it to the public. This framework includes may useful view controllers, views, table cells, controls and complete documentation. 

Where to get MKKit

MKKit is available on github The project is sourced under two branches development, and master.  The development branch is updated often and contains the most current changes. Be aware that the APIs in the development branch change regularly and they may not all be stable. The master branch is only updated with version changes. All version changes are also marked with a tag. The master branch is a more stable version, however the whole kit is still in beta so APIs may change on the master as well.

Installing MKKit

After you download the kit from github, open XCode and go to the preferences, click on the source trees tab. Click the '+' button to add a new tree. The Setting Name is MKKIT, the Display name is MKKIT, and the path is the full path to the MKKit folder that was downloaded from github.

Next open your workspace and add the MKKit project to your workspace. Find the libMKKit.a file, command click on it and select show in finder.  

Drag the file into you projects framework folder. Go the target build settings and find the 'Header Search Path' field. Add a new search path, in the 'Path' field enter $(MKKIT). Repeat this step for each target
of the MKKit itself.

Go into one of the header files in your project and the line #import <MKKit/MKKit.h>, and build the project. If everything is set right you should have no errors. If errors occur check the paths of your linking, that is the most likely cause of an error. 

Check back to this blog.  I will be posting tutorials about the usage of MKKit objects.